12 Benefits of Salvocorp’s Interior Compacts for Restaurants

The Salvocorp Interior Compact range is made of phenolic panels and high-pressure laminates. This product is suitable for many applications.  From wall cladding, to railings and cubicles, Interior Compacts are also suitable for the restaurant industry. Imagine a self-supporting surface that you can specify as restaurant tables. Various designer colours are available in different sheet…


Interior Compact Laminates | Salvocorp’s NEW Carbon Compact Range

INTERIOR COMPACT LAMINATES ANTI-FINGERPRINT AND INTENSIVE LIGHT ABSORBANCE Salvocorp is very excited to announce our new Interior Carbon Compact range; an in-house compact laminate with anti-fingerprint finish. Utilised in any indoor application, these durable, impact-resistant, and lightweight materials are the ideal surfacing and cladding solution for washrooms, cubicles, wall panels and laboratory countertops. The Salvocorp…